Lidia Fogliati
My name is Lidia Fogliati. I have been a PCE psychotherapist for more than twenty years now. I have been involved in training and research from PCE, as well. Being an English teacher as well as a PCE therapist has been of great help so far. I also teach PCE at a postgraduate course at the School of Psychology, at the University of Buenos Aires. I have also helped organizing encounter groups, and I have attended PCE Conferences and Forums, and presented workshops, some of them related to my work in the field of motherhood. I have also written a book, named "Búsquedas", where I include my experiences and testimonies as a PCE therapist. This is my fourth term as a Board member, being before for three terms from 2010 to 2016. As part of the editorial team of the newletter I think I have made my contribution, as a link with Latin America, sharing what people from Brazil. Mexico, Chile, and Argentina are doing in their countries. That is part of what a "truly worldwide association" means to me. I would like to refer now to my experience of sharing these years with people coming from different parts of the world. I always anticipate our online meetings with pleasure, stimulated by our creative and committed discussions, always including our diversity.