One of the founding principles of the World Association was to contribute to the support and growth of the person-centered and experiential approach in psychotherapy and counselling. To do that, connection is key so our hope is that our website can serve as an information portal regarding PC&E events the world over, be they online or in person.
We have our own conference every two years but there are many events happening regularly and if you have a PC&E event you would like to promote, please email
Upcoming Events

PCE 2026 in Cologne, Germany
A warm welcome to Cologne and online to PCE2026: „A changing world.“
The 17th World Conference on Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling „PCE2026“ will take place from July 8th to 12th 2026 in Cologne at the Maternushaus.
The pre-conference will take place from July 6th to 8th 2026 at the TH Cologne. The PCE conference is the biennial event of the World Association for Person-Centered & Expreriential Psychotherapy & Counselling (WAPCEPC).
… what it does with us and what we do with it
Perspectives of Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling
The person-centered and experiential approach offers a unique and hope-inspiring perspective on how to elicit and support sustainable change. In light of today’s challenges and developments with which we are faced as individuals, societies and also as psychotherapists, counselors, practitioners and researchers, the need to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for change is both our best hope as much as our responsibility. Climate change, military and culture wars, racism and discrimination, digitalization, fake news, social media and artificial intelligence – we are amidst rapid and persuasive changes which affects us as persons and which are often at odds with the way we see or we want to see us. Clearly, all of these changes are of our own doing and thus, we are not only responsible but also our one and only hope for a change to the better.
We want to invite you to the PCE2026 conference in Cologne to experience, share, discuss, elucidate, understand, question, celebrate and feel how we become agents of change in this time of pressing and alarming changes. This will be done by both acknowledging and fostering our rich clinical, theoretical and empirical basis in psychotherapy, counseling and personal change as well as employing these treasures as a point of reference to face a changing world.
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