Bibliographies of Carl Rogers and Eugene Gendlin
The Carl Rogers Bibliography Online
Editor: Peter F. Schmid
Complete, chronological and alphabetical catalogue of original editions and German translations, including both, writings and films, from 1922 with an appendix including selected audio and video tapes and indices of names and titles.
Deutsch: Vollständiges, chronologisches und alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Originalausgaben und der deutschsprachigen Übersetzungen der Schriften und Filme seit 1922 mit einem Anhang über Video- und Audiokassetten sowie Namens- und Titelregistern.
Français: Carl Rogers Bibliographie Francophone par Jean-Marc Priels et Peter F. Schmid.
Español: Bibliografía de Carl Rogers online. Catálogo completo de ediciones originales y traducciones al alemán y francés, en orden cronológico y alfabetico, incluyendo a tanto escritos como filmaciones, desde 1922, con un apendice incluyendo cintas de audio y video seleccionadas e índices de nombres y títulos.
Italiano: Bibliografia on line su Carl Rogers. Catalogo completo in ordine cronologico e alfabetico delle edizioni originali e delle traduzioni tedesche e francesi, inclusi gli scritti e i film a partire dal 1922 con un'appendice di cassette selezionate audio e video e l'indice dei nomi e dei titoli.
Primary Bibliography of Eugene T. Gendlin
Editor: Frans Depestele
[frans.depestele @]
Transcripts of Carl Rogers' therapy sessions
Brodley, B.T., & Lietaer, G. (Eds.) (2006). Transcripts of Carl Rogers' therapy sessions.
Vols. 1 to 17 - Word documents available for research and training.
Barbara Brodley and Germain Lietaer have completed their editorial project of compiling as complete a record as possible of transcripts of Carl Rogers' sessions, 189 transcripts as well as many commentaries and discussions following the sessions. These transcripts are being made available at no cost for purposes of research, study and teaching. A description of this project appeared in an article by Germain Lietaer and Barbara T. Brodley, "Carl Rogers in the Therapy Room: A Listing of Session Transcripts and a Survey of Publications Referring to Rogers' Sessions," published 2004 in Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 2(4), pp. 274-291.
The transcripts are available now in seventeen Microsoft Word documents that can be emailed to you. Let us know if you would be interested in receiving these seventeen volumes as e-mail attachments. Send your request to Kathy Moon [kmoon5555 @] or Germain Lietaer [germain.lietaer @]
Recent PCE Publications (from 2000)
Bibliographical survey of books from 2000-2010 [all languages]
Editor: Germain Lietaer
This survey of recent BOOKS (and doctoral dissertations) contains two parts:
PART A includes all books (since 2000) which refer to client/person-centered psychotherapy and counseling AND its experiential offspring: focusing-oriented and process-experiential/emotion-focused psychotherapy.
PART B includes books of the broader humanistic family and books of other orientations with some affinity to the client-centered/experiential approach. We think they are of special interest within the context of our endeavor to come to an intensive dialogue (and crossfertilization) with the broader psychotherapy landscape. The main approaches covered under Part B are existential, interpersonal, Gestalt, narrative-constructivistic, feminist, experiential action and non-verbal methods, and integrative/eclectic with major client-centered input.
I thank Alberto Segrera, Jean-Marc Priels, Alberto Zucconi, Magda Draskoczy and Yukishige Nakata for sending me references of Books in Spanish & Portuguese, French, Italian, Hungarian and Japanese.
If you know of books which are not yet included in one of these two parts, please send me (germain.lietaer @ psy.kuleuven. be) the (exact) reference! Thanks.
A survey of BOOKS 1939-1999 is available below. The survey can also be found in the following journals: Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 2001, 39(4), 295-318; Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2002, 42(2), 97-131; Gesprächspsychotherapie und Personzentrierte Beratung, 2002, 33(1), GwG-Intern, 1-16.
[Update December 2011]
Bibliographical survey of ENGLISH publications 2000-2011
Compiled by Paul Wilkins, Sheila Haugh and co-edited by Germain Lietaer
[p.wilkins @], [shaugh @] [germain.lietaer @]
Biblio English 2000-2011 for WA website
This survey of recent English publications contains two parts.
PART A includes all publications (2000-2011) which refer to client/person-centered psychotherapy and counseling and its experiential offspring: focusing-oriented and process-experiential (emotion-focused) psychotherapy.
PART B includes publications of the broader humanistic family and of other orientations with some affinity to the client-centered/experiential approach. We think they are of special interest within the context of our endeavor to come to an intensive dialogue (and cross fertilization) with the broader psychotherapy landscape. The main approaches covered under Part B are existential, interpersonal, Gestalt, narrative-constructivistic, feminist, experiential action and non-verbal methods, and integrative/eclectic with major client-centered input.
The survey of Part B covers the publications of 2000-2006 plus the books of 2007-2010
If you know of publications which are not yet included in one of these two parts, please send the (exact) references to germain.lietaer @ and shaugh @
Approche Centrée-sur-la-Personne - Esquisse d'une Bibliographie Francophone
Editors: Jean-Marc Priels et C. Demaret
[priels.jean-marc @]
C'est parce que nous pensons que les écrits sont importants pour l'Approche Centrée-sur-la-Personne, que nous avons pris la peine d'écrire la bibliographie que voici. Souvent avons-nous entendu dire que les textes en langue française étaient peu nombreux à s'offrir au lecteur rogérien. Cela n'est sans doute vrai qu'en comparaison aux écrits anglais/américains ou allemands par exemple. Il n'en reste pas moins que les écrits francophones sont plus nombreux qu'on ne le pense. La consultation des références rassemblées ici brisera, nous l'espérons, définitivement le cou à cette idée du manque de textes francophones. Nous l'espérons d'autant plus que sommes conscients qu'il nous a bien évidement été impossible de mettre la main sur l'ensemble des références utiles au lecteur/chercheur rogérien.
1951-1998 (Décembre 1998)
1951-2000 Premier addendum (Décembre 2000)
1951-2003 Second addendum (Avril 2003)
1951-2005 Troisième addendum (Décembre 1951)
1951-2010 Quatrième addendum (Décembre 2010)
Survey of Dutch PCE Publications 2000-2013
Compiled by Roelf Jan Takens and Germain Lietaer
[rj.takens @]
Survey of French PCE publications 2000-2003
compiled by Jean-Marc Priels
[priels.jean-marc @]
Survey of Italian PCE Publications 2000-2002
compiled by Valeria Vaccari
[vavacc @]
In preparation:
Surveys of German, Spanish and Portuguese PCE publications 2000-now.
Editors for other languages are most welcome! [Contact Germain Lietaer at Germain.Lietaer @]
PCE Publications 1940-2003
The Person-Centered & Experiential Bibliography Online
Editor: Peter F. Schmid
[pfs @]
Alphabetical catalogue of person–centered writings, particularly in the English and German language, including selected audio and video tapes. More than 8000 titles 1940 – 2003, mainly in English and German, by Peter F. Schmid
- Deutsch: Alphabetisches Verzeichnis von Schriften zum Personzentrierten Ansatz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutsch– und englischsprachigen Literatur. Über 8000 Titel, mit einem Anhang über Video– und Audiokassetten, von Peter F. Schmid.
- Nederlandse: Alfabetisch geordende catalogus van persoonsgerichte werken, in het bijzonder in het Engels en Duits, inclusief een overzicht van audio- en videobanden, door Peter F. Schmid
- Español: Catálogo alfabético de escritos centrados en la persona, particularmente en Inglés y Alemán, incluyendo a cuatro cintas de video y audio seleccionadas, por Peter F. Schmid
- Italiano: Bibliografia centrata sulla persona on line. Catalogo in ordine alfabetico degli scritti centrati sulla persona, in particolare in lingua inglese e tedesca, incluse cassette selezionate audio e video. Più di 8000 titoli dal 1940 al 2003, soprattutto in inglese e in tedesco - di Peter F. Schmid
International Archives of the Person-Centered Approach (IAPCA)
Editor: Alberto Segrera
[asegrera_pro @]
The International Archives of the Person-Centered Approach allows the access through internet to the references of works in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, and as well as the consultation, in the holdings of the Special Collections Room of the Francisco Xavier Clavigero Library (Universidad IberoAmericana), of numerous documents, mainly in English, Portuguese and Spanish [last update 2003].
Client–Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling
Bibliographical Survey 1988-2000
Edited by Germain Lietaer
[germain.lietaer @]
The surveys have been compiled for the occasion of the first five ICCCEP conferences (1988-2000).
References in these surveys are encoded on the basis of their two main content aspects. German parts by Germain Lietaer & Peter F. Schmid
1950-1987*: The Client-Centered/Experiential/Person-Centered Approach. Bibliographical Survey
1988-1990: Client-Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling. Bibliographical Survey
1991-1993: Client–Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling. Bibliographical Survey
1994-1996: Client–Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling. Bibliographical Survey
1997-1999: Client–Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling. Bibliographical Survey
[with a special section on Books 1939-2000]
The four brochures 1988-1990 to 1997-1999 (about 100 pages each) are also available as a WORD document. You can order a free copy of them through Germain Lietaer's secretary: [els.vloeberghen @]
* The 1950-1987 brochure is not available in eletronic format.