Help for Organizational members
When you are registered as an Organizational Member with WAPCEPC we store two records on our website: the Organization itself, and the Individual who is (at that time) responsible for administrating that organization's membership. This is because an individual may one year be managing an organizational member's account, but the next year someone else is. Access to the Organization's details - for example to change the postal address - is done through the personal account of the Individual in charge of administering them. This allows that individual to also separately be a member of WAPCEPC (as an Individual or Couple member) and enjoy the benefits of that. Both memberships can be managed by the individual through their personal account (see below).
As a result, the login and renewal process for Organizational Members is different to other members.
How to view your organization details
- Log into the website with your personal username and password. If you have any problems with logging in, please have a look at our Sign-up Help page or contact us for further advice.
- You are now logged in with your personal account. Click on 'My Membership' in the left hand sidebar.
- This brings up your membership dashboard. At the bottom you can see details of any organization you are administrator for. Click 'View Dashboard' to see details of your Organization's membership.
How to renew your organization's membership
- Log in, as above.
- Follow the link to 'Organization members, renew here' or follow this link (once logged in).
- Select the correct Organization type (eg 'Organizations with up to 25 members') and scroll down to where it asks you to enter Organization details.
- Click on 'Select existing organization', then enter the first few letters of your organization's name. When your organization name appears click on it, and the name/address details for your organization should load onto the page.
- Check the details are correct and click Continue at the bottom of the page to be take to our secure Paypal payment server.
How to change your organization's name or address
- Log in, as above, and navigate to 'my membership' via the link in the left hand sidebar.
- Click 'Edit Contact Information' next to your organization name to change any details associated with your organization.
How to change your password
- Log in, as above.
- Click on 'edit login details' in the left hand column.
- Enter your new password, twice, and click save.
How to change the administrator for your organization
If you are no longer the administrator for your organization and would like to allow someone else to manage the organization, please contact WAPCEPC. If the new administrator has an existing personal membership of WAPCEPC (as an Individual or Couple member) then they do not need to create a new website account - so simply contact WAPCEPC and we can update our records.