Kyriaki Kentigkeleni
I Studied Medicine at Democritus University of Thrace in Greece and specialized in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. My first MSc is in Social Psychiatry and my second in Healthcare Management. During my specialization I was trained in Person-Centered Counselling & Psychotherapy, Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) and Family-Centered Therapy (FCT) in accredited training centers both in Greece and in the US and in Person-Centered Creative Arts at APCCA, UK. I was also trained in Online & Telephone Counselling and in Clinical Supervision (including online and telephone working) at Counselling Tutor, UK. Currently I am PhD candidate at the Faculty of Medicine of Democritus University of Thrace in Greece Currently I am in private practice, I am the owner and Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Psychotherapy & Counselling for Children & Families at north Greece and External Associate of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Department of University General Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Greece. I am also assistant director & tutor at the Association for Person-Centred Creative Arts (APCCA) I am working with children-adolescents and families individually and in groups and with mental health professionals as supervisor. My main concern is to contribute in any way possible to the fulfillment of goals of WAPCEPC especially in domains relevant to my above-mentioned experience and to raise awareness of Person-Centred & Experiential Psychotherapy in the medical field