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PCE 2016 Open Invitation

With our major biennial conference PCE 2012 due to take place in Antwerp, Belgium, in July this year - and plans for PCE 2014 already in development by our colleagues in Argentina - it is time for WAPCEPC members to begin thinking about the organization of the following PCE conference, due to take place in 2016. The WAPCEPC board invites members to consider whether you and your colleagues may be willing to host this meeting of the international PCE community in your country.

There are published guidelines and a procedure for establishing a venue for the PCE conference, which can be found here in our website. Members who are interested in convening the conference in 2016 are invited to indicate their interest by sending a proposal letter to Makiko Mikuni at  [makiko.mikuni @]  by 31st March 2012.

In their letter proposing to host PCE 2016, members should present their team, their competences in scientific, administrative and financial matters, and their plans concerning the site of the conference. Please contact Makiko if you have any questions about the requirements outlined within the PCE conference guidelines.

Following the deadline for proposals, the board will publish the letters in the newsletter and will arrange for members to vote on the proposals. Voting may take place in the General Assembly (Antwerp, 9 July 2012) or it may be done electronically. Details of the voting procedure in place for a decision on the venue of PCE 2016 will be published in the newsletter and on the website.