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PCEP call for papers - Special Issue on Nondirecitivity


We are inviting manuscript submissions for a special issue of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies (PCEP) on non-directivity.

Non-directivity is, nowadays, a vexed concept in the person-centered and experiential approaches. There is much debate and controversy about its definition, theoretical meaning, clinical effectiveness, and application to wider contexts. The goal of this special issue is to promote a constructive and ground-breaking debate among scholars, researchers, and practitioners regarding the concept and practice of non-directivity. We are inviting articles that go beyond what has already been written on this topic, that is, we are expecting new material rather than rehashed arguments. We welcome critical perspectives on non-directivity, as well as those that advocate its relevance and value. We would encourage particularly the report of new qualitative or quantitative data. For instance, you might want to compare your ideas on nondirectivity to detailed observations on a case material so that the theory on nondirectivity could be elaborated, expanded, confirmed or disconfirmed.

Beth Freire will be the guest editor for this special issue. She can be contacted at beth.freire @ for more information.

All papers will go through the usual peer-review process for PCEP articles, so revisions may be requested, and acceptance of your paper cannot be guaranteed.

Articles should be sent by 1st December 2011, with no more than 6000 words. All submissions should be made online at PCEP's new ScholarOne site []. This site is in construction at the moment but it will be ready to receive submissions soon.

Please circulate this invitation to anyone you think might be interested.

Many thanks,

Beth Freire