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WAPCEPC Translation Grant

  1. Purpose and aims

    1. WAPCEPC Translation Grant is a form of financial assistance provided by the World Association to Person-Centered / Experiential (PCE)    researchers and practitioners who seek an opportunity to translate their writing into English in order to publish them in the PCEP Journal;
    2. The main purpose of the Grant is to engage the diverse population of PCE colleagues in publishing activities and to increase the diversity of PCE worldwide by making literature available regardless of the original language;
    3. The Grant is aimed at raising interest in and supporting the dissemination of research in the PCE approach among PCE colleagues worldwide regardless of their first language;
    4. It is not guaranteed that the Grant will cover 100% of the translation expenses.

  2. Eligibility

    1. To be eligible for the Grant an applicant must be a member of WAPCEPC with an active membership status for the current year.
    2. Applicants must not be a WAPCEPC board member, WAPCEPC Scientific Committee member, WAPCEPC chapters’ Chair or board member, or PCEP Editor.
    3. There are no restrictions on applicant’s gender, age, nationality, PCE ‘tribe’ or any other basis except for those listed in 2.1-2.2 above.

  3. Selection committee

    1. WAPCEPC Board in consultation with the Scientific committee will appoint the Selection committee that should consist of experts in the field of PCE research;
    2. The committee should be diverse in terms of theoretical and research orientations represented by its members;
    3. In order to maintain efficient and timely consideration of the applications the Selection committee should not be overly extensive (e.g. 4-9 members);
    4. The Board appoints the Chair of the Selection committee and if needed the Secretary. Chair and the secretary are responsible for technical organization of the Committee’s work as well as for the communication with the applicants.

  4. Application and selection procedure

    1. The Board will announce a Call for applications at least 2 months before the deadline.
    2. Along with an application form, applicants will submit the title, key-words and an abstract of their paper, up to 400 words, in English.
    3. If the proposed paper has been published elsewhere, it is the responsibility of the applicant to get all necessary permissions prior to the application submission.
    4. The Selection committee (in consultation with the Board) will develop the procedure for the evaluation of applications  that meet the following criteria: reflects current and emerging debates in the PCE field and originality of the proposed paper.
    5. The full Selection committee must vote on the submitted applications. Depending on the number and quality of the applications, a decision to award partial Grants (1/2; 1/3) or not to award any Grants at all in the current year may be taken. The latter should be approved by the Board.
    6. After the Selection committee chooses an applicant/applicants it informs the Board which will make a formal announcement and arrange for the transfer of money.
    7. Successful applicant(s) will receive a payment to fund the initial cost of translating their paper into English for submission to the PCEP Journal. Additional payments will be provided on request (up to the maximum grant awarded) to support the successful applicant to work through the stages of the peer review process (e.g. translating the reviewers’ feedback into the successful applicant’s own language to allow them to work on revisions, then translating the revised manuscript into English).

  5. Completion procedure

    1. Within 10 months from the date when the Grant was awarded, recipients should submit the translated paper to the PCEP Journal.
    2. PCEP Journal will undertake the usual peer review process of the translated paper. The peer review process can be challenging for authors and the successful applicant should expect to be asked to undertake one or more rounds of revisions as they work through the peer review process.
    3. In the case where the translated paper is not accepted for publication by PCEP, recipients will not be required to pay back the grant and may pursue publication in another journal.