Mini-conference in Melburne, October 2019
The Australian and Aotearoa-New Zealand Chapter of the World Association for Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling is pleased to announce its first mini conference in Melbourne, 26th and 27th October 2019
(Fee discount of $50.00 for WAPCEPC members!!)
CONFERENCE THEME: Emotions in the Context of the Person Centered Approach
Person-centred therapy has a low profile in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. While Rogerian theory has had a broad and significant influence on therapeutic practice, psychotherapists and counsellors have generally not been inclined to adopt the labels "person-centred" or "client-centred" when describing their practice in professional directories.
This mini conference gives counsellors and psychotherapists an opportunity to connect with fellow person centered colleagues and to listen to some wonderful speakers from Japan, Queensland, NSW, New Zealand and locally.
There will also be an opportunity to engage in encounter groups which is a hallmark of the Rogerian approach.
Please go to the website for more information about the conference, registration details, and how to submit abstracts for presentations. Students are half price and there is an opportunity for students to help out the organisers at the conference at no cost.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Conference web-site: