New York Conference 2016 - Call for Papers
Integrity, Interdisciplinarity, and Innovation
PCE 2016
World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling
July 20-24
Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA
We invite persons interested in person-centered and experiential practice, research, and training to make a contribution to the PCE 2016 conference by presenting their findings and/or new insights relating to Integrity, Interdisciplinarity, and Innovation in one of four formats: paper presentations, roundtable discussions, workshops, and pecha-kucha. Other topics related to person-centered and/or experiential psychotherapy or counseling are also welcome. Paper presentations will consist of about 45-minute presentations (with at least 10 minutes discussion time) that may have a theoretical, clinical, or research-based character. Roundtable discussions will take a moderator facilitated debate format on a given topic, where 2-3 papers will be presented with about 33-50% of time reserved for audience participation. Workshops will be about 90-minute events that are didactic and interactive in nature with a focus on a specific clinical skill or therapeutic approach. Pecha-kuchas will consist of presenters giving a brief and focused PowerPoint or Prezi presentation using a maximum of 10 slides, telling the essence of one’s story in seven minutes along with up to seven other presenters. Please submit 250-500 word abstracts for papers and workshops, 150-300 word abstracts for Roundtable discussions, and 100-200 word abstracts for Pecha-Kucha that highlight the key points of your presentation along with the name of the first author, institution, address, country, e-mail address, name(s) of co-author(s), title of work, and up to 5 keywords (max 5) to
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