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New York Conference 2016 - Call for Papers

Integrity, Interdisciplinarity, and Innovation

PCE 2016

World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling

July 20-24
Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA

We invite persons interested in person-centered and experiential practice, research, and training to make a contribution to the PCE 2016 conference by presenting their findings and/or new insights relating to Integrity, Interdisciplinarity, and Innovation in one of four formats: paper presentations, roundtable discussions, workshops, and pecha-kucha. Other topics related to person-centered and/or experiential psychotherapy or counseling are also welcome. Paper presentations will consist of about 45-minute presentations (with at least 10 minutes discussion time) that may have a theoretical, clinical, or research-based character. Roundtable discussions will take a moderator facilitated debate format on a given topic, where 2-3 papers will be presented with about 33-50% of time reserved for audience participation. Workshops will be about 90-minute events that are didactic and interactive in nature with a focus on a specific clinical skill or therapeutic approach. Pecha-kuchas will consist of presenters giving a brief and focused PowerPoint or Prezi presentation using a maximum of 10 slides, telling the essence of one’s story in seven minutes along with up to seven other presenters. Please submit 250-500 word abstracts for papers and workshops, 150-300 word abstracts for Roundtable discussions, and 100-200 word abstracts for Pecha-Kucha that highlight the key points of your presentation along with the name of the first author, institution, address, country, e-mail address, name(s) of co-author(s), title of work, and up to 5 keywords (max 5) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by January 15, 2016. Please be advised that with the submission of an abstract to PCE 2016 the corresponding author (a) accepts responsibility for the content, (b) accepts to be the contact person for all correspondences, and (c) acknowledges that ethical guidelines were followed in data gathering.

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